Lilly Windle Teaching Schedule

ADVANCED 2D design = B days 7th + 8th pers

Open Studio with WINDLE: 1st + 6th Break, Lunch, and FLEX B days

as well as after school Tuesday +Thursday. until at least 4:30 pm . If you need more studio time always ASK!

contact= or 503-916-5200 (ext.75467)

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Sketchbook work snapshot!

Most class periods will involve some kind of work in the SKETCHBOOK.
Students are expected to use visual prompts, class visuals, the ARTTALK book etc.
Students work to complete the assigned sketchbook work as they learn new skills, media, terms and how to better articulate what they are creating.
Draw examples of and explain with words == label clearly all of the following terms:       
  • Look at, describe and define GESTURE line drawing
  • Define PROPORTION  and Use the handout information and sketch the human figure that is
   IN proportion (USE the 8 sections)

  • List many ACTIONS that show human movement as you can think of- add ideas from others to this list
  • Record notes for what ways E. Muybridge Etienne-Jules Marey,  Duchamp, and Richter show movement
  • Create study drawings of different action poses using gesture lines to gather ideas about position and proportion. Stay loose and fluid!
  • Divide a page into 2 parts and sketch the “Skeletal System” and the “Muscular System”
Here is a photo breakdown for the sketchbook work for this last project.