Lilly Windle Teaching Schedule

ADVANCED 2D design = B days 7th + 8th pers

Open Studio with WINDLE: 1st + 6th Break, Lunch, and FLEX B days

as well as after school Tuesday +Thursday. until at least 4:30 pm . If you need more studio time always ASK!

contact= or 503-916-5200 (ext.75467)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Using PHOTOGRAPHS to make Artwork

The BEST way to utilize photographs in artwork is to take the picture yourself. Next best would be to have a friend or relative (someone you know) let you utilize a photograph that they took WITH THEIR PERMISSION.   The other way to utilize a photograph in making a drawing or painting would be to utilize a professional photographer's photo. You will either PAY to use the image or find images from an OPEN SOURCE website and use Photos that are available for public use.
Some Open Source Photography sites Include:
stock free images